Privacy policy

1. Cookie policy and use

This Cookie Usage Policy is designed to inform you about how to uses your navigation data, or any other information related to your access and use of the site and other media (advertising banners, e-mails…) of the site luxul.luYou will also find information about your rights and how to exercise them.You will also find information on your rights and how to exercise them.

This information is communicated in accordance with the regulations in force, in particular the European Directive concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector (2002/58/EC), which provides that storing, obtaining and accessing information on your terminal is permitted provided that, you have received information on the purposes of the processing of this information in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (the “GDPR”), and, subject to essential cookies, that you have consented to it.

By agreeing to this Policy on the use of Cookies, you authorize to place a file called “Cookies” on your hard disk. Cookies are small text files (about 4Kb), through which certain information is sent back to our site.

These cookies are stored on your browser’s hard drive (computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.) when you visit In particular, cookies enable us to store and retrieve information about your browsing habits, your equipment and, based on this information, to recognize you.

The data obtained via these cookies may concern in particular the number of pages you have visited, the language you have chosen, the city where your IP address for connecting to our site is located. luxul.luThis information may include, but is not limited to, the frequency and recurrence of your visits, the duration of your visits, the browser you use and the operator or type of terminal from which your visit is made.

These cookies are used to improve your user experience and the efficiency of our website. Cookies do not allow us to identify you by name. In general, they record information relating to your preferences and your browsing on our site, which we may read during your subsequent visits. These data are strictly intended for internal use by luxul. lu and are not, under any circumstances, communicated to third parties.

Generally speaking, there are different reasons for using cookies.

1) Essential cookies

2) Exempt cookies

1) Some cookies are necessary for the proper operation of the luxul. lu site and enable you to access and connect to it using essential functions. Necessary cookies” are used exclusively to enable and facilitate electronic communication. They are essential to the operation of our site and will be used to allow you to log in to your account, display the requested page in a format suitable for your screen or to allow our site to function optimally and facilitate your navigation in order to :

– To ensure the quality and security of your browsing on the luxul. lu site, in particular during the process of ordering an item or to measure the loading time of the various components of the page;

– Keep the information you have entered in the fields provided when you change pages;

– Allow you to stay on the same host server for the duration of your session;

In accordance with current regulations, they are used without your consent. You can, however, remove them using your browser settings. As a result, your user experience and browsing security may be impaired. In addition, certain pages and functionalities of our site may be inaccessible (account, shopping cart, etc.).Other cookies are also necessary to improve your browsing experience on our site.

2a. Enhancement cookies” are used to :

– To collect and analyse data about your visiting behaviour on our site, in order to improve its operation;

– Provide high-end services designed to enhance your user experience, such as solutions, live chat “WhatsApp SMS” ;

– Secure by detecting unusual activity, for example.

In accordance with current regulations, they are used with your consent. These cookies are not essential to the operation of the site. However, refusing these cookies may make it difficult or impossible to use the high-end services that enhance your user experience.

Other cookies are used to enable you to obtain luxul. lu offers in line with your interests.

2b. Advertising and personalization cookies

Their purpose is to provide you with content and offers tailored to your centers of interest on the luxul. lu site and to improve the relevance of our ads on our partners’ sites. If you refuse these cookies, the content and offers we provide will no longer be tailored to your preferences and may therefore be less relevant.

In accordance with current regulations, they are also used with your consent.These cookies are not essential to the operation of the site, but are necessary to provide offers in line with your preferences and interests. In particular, they are used to provide you with personalized content by :

– Obtaining traffic data concerning site use and pages consulted;

– Allowing the tracking of a click through to the relevant site pages; – Improving the relevance of digital campaigns;

– Identifies visitors to our site from an advertising campaign on a third-party site.

Other cookies enable content to be shared on social networks and other third-party sites (“Third-party Cookies”).

2c. Third-party cookies

They enable access and use from our website of software tools and platforms (such as social networks, video streaming solutions, etc.) offered by third parties and thus improve the hospitality of our website. and to help promote it through the sharing of to third-party platforms.

In this case, data relating to visitors to the site, their navigation or their actions in relation to the content with which they interact are accessible by these third-party platforms. luxul. lu inserts various social modules enabling content to be requested from the various platforms providing them. In this case, the platforms providing these various modules are considered to be data controllers within the meaning of the RGPD when they determine the purposes and means of processing in accordance with their privacy policy. Some of the site’s functions rely on services offered by these third parties, who also deposit cookies. The sites providing these third-party cookies, application buttons or extensions can identify you thanks to this button, even when it is not used when you visit our site.

In accordance with current regulations, they are also used with your consent.luxul. lu therefore invites you to consult the privacy policies of these third parties:

– Facebook

– Instagram

– Linkedin

– Twitter

– Youtube

– Pinterest

You can prevent the use of cookies at any time by adjusting your browser settings. Please note that this may mean that you will not be able to use all the functions of our website and that any malfunctioning of luxul. lu caused by this manipulation cannot be considered to be the fault of our publisher.

For further information, please refer to the following links for instructions on how to configure your browser settings to prevent cookies from being stored on your computer:

Google Chrome browser

Mozilla Firefox browser

Safari browser (Apple)

Internet Explorer browser

Opera browser

What are your rights with regard to your confidential personal data?

– Right to information,

– Right to modification and destruction,

– Right to restrict the purchasing process,

– Right to object to the purchasing process,

– Right to data transmission.

If you have any questions about your rights, including any request to exercise your statutory rights, please contact us by e-mail at